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Richard Fuhry

Richard Fuhry
(1882 Hamburg – 1935 Berlin)

Blick auf den Hamburger Hafen
Öl a./Lwd., 80 x 120 cm. Links unten signiert. Ohne Rahmen. Rückseitig auf dem Keilrahmen mit Stempel der Mal-und Zeichenbedarfhandlung Otto Ebeling in Berlin. In vorzüglicher originaler Erhaltung.

Provenienz: Privatsammlung Süddeutschland

Eine beeindruckende und ungemein dynamische Komposition in akademisch versierter Pinselschrift mit expressiver Verve.

Richard Fuhry ist den Künstlern der sog. „verschollenen Generation“ zuzuordnen. Der Künstler ist in der maßgeblichen Literatur nachzuweisen, aber über den Verbleib seines Werkes ist bis heute kaum Näheres bekannt.

  Näheres und Preis a./Anfrage.
Further details and price on request.

Richard Fuhry (German, 1882 – 1935)

Harbor of Hamburg
Oil on canvas, 80 by 120 cm. Unframed. Signed bottom left. Stamped by Otto Ebeling art supplies company Berlin on the reverse. Excellent original condition.

Provenance: Private Collection South Germany

Fine and stunning dynamically set composition well-versed in a brush stroke with expressionistic verve.

His work is related to the artists of the so-called "lost generation", which describes a generation of young German artists born between 1890 and 1905. Artists
who didn't have the possibility of continuous working and neither to exhibit consistently, because their life and creation was influenced by the difficult circumstances of two World Wars. Mainly of the Nazi Regime, they became victims of the denunciation of '“Degenerate Art“ and their early work were often destroyed or was scattered over several places and so the artist recognition was determined to fall into oblivion. Until several of the latest publications and public exhibitions featured works of their early successes, which reminded and drawn a wide attention to their work from museums as well as private collectors. Recently many artists of this generation been revalued and continue to climb in value. They are also called „Expressive Realists“.


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